Keep tabs on the work in your laboratory with Plate Manager.

Plate Manager brings lab work together. Making lab work accessible to team members, plate generation easy and  turnaround faster by making management of work and plates easy.

Functionality supported in

Plate Manager

We are actively designing Plate Manager with our customers and are exploring:

Plate Management

Plate Manager streamlines the generation and management of plate-based workloads across masterplates, DNA plates and PCR plates. Make lab work accessible to all team members and systems, prevent manual errors, and turn around big workloads faster.

Plate History

Automating the generation of plate transfers from masterplates, to DNA plates and PCR plates. Implementing specific strategies optimizing for well usage or turnaround time.

Integration with hardware

Generating instrument-specific platemap files for automated liquid handling and making those available to on-instrument systems.

Build it with us.

We're currently designing Plate Manager with forward-thinking seed companies. Book a meeting to deliver your inputs or start a co-development track.

A picture of a tractor on a field.